Wednesday, November 30, 2005
breathe!!!! must remember to breaathee!!!
must blog abt whata nice lady jenny lim was. friendly and approachable. she even told us that the previous group actually taped down their interview. ehhh, gues we r too... amatuerish.
we had initally forgotten to buy a present and then we sent hazel and alex to buy something ... luckily, or else so pai-seh.
after the official qtns, we just any how shoot, at least i did. hhaha.
eg:" what do u think of project pilot?"
ans:" it sucks."
just kidding. hahaha/. actually she said that e contesting works were quite amatuerish! huh! even in the pro-segment! hahaha, thats how she viewed her competition.
oh, the super-host show really CMI. it is a talent show.... but WHERE is the talent??? most of them left their talent at home , i guess.
really yucks. almost can fight the 7-flowers in terms of lack of talents.
i wan to rebond my hair!!!
and buy a new phone!
cut cosT! must cut cost!
where am i gonna cut cost to fund all my 'wants'..????
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
i haf not escaped from the invasion of 7 flowers due to my diet of taiwanese shows.
and i think the jiao-jie-li company ( the some one behind the success of 5566 and the tragedy of K-one and 183club )has really outdone themselves. the worst pop group has just been unleashed onto this planet.
their first girl group realllllllllllly sucks( for lack of a better word) to the core. even their name is a bigger mistake than the pussycat dolls.
its so dots when i see them appearing on a music program. and they sing worse than Xiao S. at least Xiao S has comical effect. the 7 flowers just make mi cringe when they go off key. but i never switch channel. it just like, u wanna watch a train wreck or something.
i keep askin, Y r they here?
THEY CANT SING. THEY CANT DANCE.( where is simon cowell!!!!) SO why are they releasing albums? shouldnt them just go act, host or go dating? such is the greediness of jiao-jie-li company. must milk everything out b4 they expire.
kinda saddening that they can sell albums. sun yanzi's album sales is plummeting though.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
i lost all my contacts.
i lost my physical evidence of my memories.
i lost my birthday present for myself.
so, yah. i cant help but be sad.
and WHY I LOST IT?? thanks to some idiots whom i rather not trust. because i didnt trust them, i lied and ended up in the hot soup. or the pool in this case. and had to go through this emotional rollercoaster ride from hell.
and. there is a lot of work to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
i never dread school before. but now, of course, i am startin to feel more than dread. i am close to being afraid of it.
dammm... gotta get a grip of my almost-phobia.
i guess i am guilty of spoiling the friendship between the 2 persons in a way.
but he made his choice, all i said was my opinion... but actually i think things are not that bad. the guy better buck up and stop digging his grave further. in the meantime, i shall just mind my own business.
tml is the FuN and Splash. i hope it RAINS. and THUNDERS and LIghtNings.
my father is so cute. first time i think he has a sense of humour which is alive. first time he made me laugh. MY FATHER MADE ME LAUGH!!! in like, the first time since i hit teenage-hood.
i think i really take after him. i got so many of his (un)desirable traits, as proclaimed by my mother upteem times. i like to tell my mother that its a good sign, coz it means i am theirs and not some bastard's.
i wish some1 would take a pic of me and my father watchin tv. i think we both sit in the same way lah. legs propped on the table, half leaning- half sitting.
my mother gone NUTTY!!!!!!!!!! she is preparing us for a world without her. she think she gonna drop dead anytime. like, seriously. why is she so berserk? if she really think that, y cant she get a doc.( tellin me u ache aint helpin things.)
she is too young to die. i still wan my mama. very much. despite all my grivences.
i told yiting that i think she might go with KWWW coz KWWW can make her luff. she made a face. but accepted my philosophy made a little sense( to her).
to guys out there. here is a good sign to know whether a girl like u or not.
she luffs at ur joke NO MATTER HOW UNFUNNY IT IS.
ok? pls remember it. if she does not luff at ANY OF UR UNFUNNY jokes, pls leave her alone. DUN make a ass outta ur self. and make her dislike u even more.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
love is blind.
how literate can this get?
some ah pek wants to buy a killer to do his dirty work. his dirty work? to dig out the pair of eyes which belongs to the woman he loves.
WHAT? do u really do that to the person u love? dig out her eyes? cut her up? watch her die?
luckily, he didnt succeed. so crazy. the entire idea. the things u would do for love.
and i dun understand one thing. how can girls and guys talk bad about the people they had once supposedly loved after they broke up???
if they can, i think its suffice to conclude that they never did love each other really. or sincerely. or wholeheartedly. i dun understand how can they do it. not a single puny tiny bit. do they feel some sort of kick dissing the people they had loved? or they were just misusing the word "love"...
i feel glad that i dun have those people as friends.
Friday, November 18, 2005
been losing it quite often nowadays.
'it' being self-control.
hahahaha... what did u think 'it' was?
told myself dun get the hopes up. told myself dun even start to assume. told myself dun let loose those sarcastic speech.told myself to endure my naggy mother...
but i didnt succeed of course.
i am now guilt ridden. i should turn vegetarian to ji-de ( accumulate good karma ).
but its impossible. i still have to go home to eat my darlin mother's homecooked meal which has loads of animal protein.
note to self: stop procastinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
am back after the "birthday" lunch. it didnt felt like a birthday occassion, dun have the birthday song. and no birthday cake. but whatever.
we could have enjoyed ourselves more had we not gone to an understaffed fish and co which dampen the mood.
cold food is not nice when its meant to be hot.
i still prefer it over sizzler .
my PMS characteristics. which i managed to recognise...
1-i am less tolerant of childish comments and behavoir.
2-i am even less tolerant of whiny, childish males.
3-i am even less tolerant of whiny, childish, insensitve males.
4-i am even less tolerant of whiny, childish, insensitive and lame( not the cannot-walk meaning) males.
5. i am more sarcastic.
6.i am more irritable.
7.i am less joke-y.
8. i tell u to Shut Up.
hcy has yet another skin which has the word 'shit' inside. mulitple times, in fact.
syazwan asked, y everytime her blogskin always got this word.
i am not diserting her reason behind her choice.
but generally speakin, people gets tired of being judged by how you look.
u look innocent and goody 2 shoes... doesnt mean that you will have a flowery, angels and stars, girlish, clean blog with no coarse language. u feel sick and fed up and u wanna rebel. be all punk and rock. but u don have the guts to go goth or extreme, u just try to "rebel" at the small small things. afterall, u have no problem with following rules.
but still...let ur true colors show.
cause livin up to what others expect of u is horrible.
living up to what u want urself to be is way nicer.
any way. if u look all innocent and goody 2 shoes , doesnt mean u only drink milk and wont try sex until u r married.
damm. dont be surprised when that happens.
Monday, November 14, 2005
it will be good if we can glimpse at the future.
just a glimpse. so that future remains unknown, largely. but u know it enough to know that you are not makin a wrong choice.
damm... this is so me. i just remenbered some personality test said that i am afraid of failure. afraid of makin a wrong choice. afraid of missing out something better.
caught a french movie on ch56 yesterday. its a love story based on a serious of dares. such as i-dare-you-to-kiss-me, i-dare-you-to-say-you-love-me and finally i-dare-you-to-love-me.
kinda stupid i think.
after wasting about 15 years with diff people, and building up careers and family,( by virture of a dare, of course)... the 2 leads decided that true love would not be denied.
they got together again.
when they reunited, it was forever. they stood in some cubic space where the truck started to pour cement on them. yes, they r literately with each other together. cemented together.
this time, it is for ever.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
to find some one you love is hard.
to find some one you love to love you back is even harder.
if you have someone who love you, you are fortunate.
and if you can't love that someone back, it is unfortunate for both for you.
so you shouldn't ever slight that someone who love you no matter how much you dun like him or her. that person is makin u a fortunate person. you should thank that person instead.
if you don't have any one to love,
that doesnt mean you dont have love to give.
it is just that you have not found that special one some one to love.
your love just aint meant for anyone, anyhow.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
i always dreamt of workin in the cafe cartel cause like, there got so many cute guys workin lahz!
so i went to interview yesterday with a friend.
guess what happen?
They ACCEPTED me and... I rejected them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_M_G!
they called and asked if i could start work next week. in the middle of my pastamania interview arranged from last week. and the most amazing thing was, my interviewer was away, takin something, when the cafe cartel person called lah. imagine if she had called while the interviewer was there. i surely wouldnt pick up. then i wouldnt have known... and would have accepted to work in P.m.
but in the end, despite knowin C.c wanted to hire me, i still choose to work for P.m.
now, i am ( almost) hyperventilating over why i made this decision.
i am still going OMG.
P.m pays lower, btw. damm. i really didnt noe why i had the heart to reject C.c which had been where i wanted to try workin for so long.
i am hyperventilating coz i hope i didnt make a mistake by giving up C.c....
i had to wait so long for my interview.coz she was interviewin another long and naggy tht guy. heard him crappin abt dunno-what leadership qualities he supposedly had.( think he was answering the whats-ur-strength-and weakness- question).
was toyin with the idea of leaving if i had to wait for like, 5 mins more. lucky before e 5 min was up, she started her interview with mi.
and i made my fateful decision.
oh well. wish mi luck=)
Sunday, November 06, 2005
unknown to me, the pic loaded was in reverse order. so i shall just record my day in reverse order. 3rd Nov, is it Hari Raya?, went to see Ocean's concert at Pandang.coz she had the tic. it ended within 1.5 hours and was just fairly entertaining...
Before it ends, there is always the obligaotry shot-with-fans-in-the-background. who are holding posters with ur name on it. and then, i was finally clued onto the fact that those small cards with idols' name that they are waving?... they are actually given to the fans by the management (?), instead of the fans themsevles preparing it. anything to make the star look good.
A pleasant surprise! the superstar finalists yynder play music were there. but, disappointingly, they didnt get to perform. go there just to show face, maintain exposure and of coz, derek had the loudest LOUDEST screams reserved for him.
ocean with joi chua. hahhahaha. nothing to comment. except that she took a long time to get onto the stage. is it some technical fault?
another surprise was to see Danny Yeo hosting the event, esp when i thought he was just a lecturer at Ngee Ann, and had stop all the entertainment jobs. hmm.... he was wearing pink with the words "got cash" or something like that. very fitting...
yup. thats the end of concert experience. it was realllly short! and ocean was struggling not to cry coz he was so touched. it must been a very nice feelin knowing that 8000 people can mass karoaok with U, singing your song. altho i bet 80% had free tickets so they came...
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
i really can't help but observe this
ever since the day, this girlfriend of mine "declared", emphasis on the qoutation marks, KWwww, as her boyfriend in the NE lecture , she has become more and more involved with him.
more blogs abt him etc, more talks abt him, more time spend with him ... all in the name of work of course.
but i sMEllLL truckloads of rats running around.